Rap History Warsaw Records (RHW Records) is an independent hip-hop label, associated with the Rap History Warsaw project. The imprint has so far released over a dozen albums, from artists such as PRO8L3M or JWP/BC. RHW Records has also produced 30 mixtapes that accompanied Rap History Warsaw events - each package including a hand-stamped box with a mix-CD, the event poster, stickers and a zine dedicated to the highlights of hip-hop's history in the given year.
PRO8L3M - Ground Zero Mixtape (CD)
PRO8L3M - Hack3d By GH05T 2.0 EP (CD)
JWP/BC - 20 (CD)
Kazan - Sens (CD)
PRO8L3M - PRO8L3M LP Instrumentals (CD)
PRO8L3M - PRO8L3M LP (CD, winyl)
JWP/BC - Sequel (CD)
PRO8L3M – Art Brut Mixtape (CD, winyl)
PRO8L3M – C30-C39 (CD)
VA – The Wall Skandal Covers (winyl)
JWP/BC– Tworzymy Historie (winyl)
JWP – Blam (winyl)
DJ Tunizjano x JWP/BC – Jot-Wu-Pe Clan (CD)
JWP/BC x Steez83 – No1 W Polsce (CD)
Certified Gold Record for JWP/BC - Sequel
Certified Gold Record for PRO8L3M - Ground Zero Mixtape
Certified Platinum Record for PRO8L3M - PRO8L3M LP